About you.
Some clients are extremely knowledgeable about financial planning and investment, but don’t have the time or inclination to manage their own planning and assets. Or they may simply wish to benefit from the access to our professional expertise or economies of scale.
People come to AJB Wealth for many different reasons, but share similar goals; such as growing or maintaining their wealth, reducing their family’s tax burden and ensuring financial security. The most appropriate strategy will be unique to each client. We spend time getting to know all about you — your plans, your wants and your needs. Only then do we form a strategy.
Some clients are new to investment and beginning to look into managing their wealth. They may have inherited money or sold their business. We help them navigate what might be an unfamiliar world. Others already have an investment portfolio, but want a second opinion. They may want their investments to managed more closely. Moving from advisory management to discretionary can achieve this.
We can help clients approaching, or already in, retirement. We do this through prudent risk management – maximising income and protecting capital. Retirement is also a good time to begin planning your intergenerational wealth transfer. We have particular expertise in estate planning and can help both clarify your family’s exposure to Inheritance Tax and recommend strategies to significantly reduce it – thus securing the best outcome for you, your children and grandchildren.